Fine Art Images
Derived from camera, software, and imagination
Alan Zucker Photography
Road to Nowhere

Well, we know where we’re goin’
But we don’t know where we’ve been
And we know what we’re knowin’
But we can’t say what we’ve seen
We’re on a road to nowhere
– Talking Heads
Late Blooming Dew-Covered Dahlia

I often walk with the dog past Urban Adamah… a wonderful oasis in an otherwise industrial city zone. It is “an educational farm and community center… that integrates the practices of Jewish tradition, mindfulness, sustainable agriculture, and social action to build loving, just, and sustainable communities.”
This morning, as I walked past the front gate to the farm, my head was crowded with the darkness of war, when I looked down to find this perfect single dahlia. It brought me out of my head and into my heart, and reminded me of the word inscribed on the farm gate… V’ahavta. Love. With all our heart.

My hope is that this serves as a visual aid to your prayers for peace. We must pray. We must envision. We must make it possible.
#Peace #Israel #Palestine #Ukraine #Russia #PeaceOnEarth #photography #creativecollective #originalconent
Collections Explore a few of my collections
Light Bursts
Disrupting an otherwise realistic photograph is one of my favorite things to do these days. Creating and implementing a light burst in a photo adds a expressive dynamism.
Sing It
Tandem Spiral
With these spirals,
I aspire to take you higher;
I spin to make you grin;
I blur to make you purr;
Reality, spun into a new meaning. Enjoy.
My only formal photography training came at the UC Berkeley Architecture department. To this day my eye is pulled toward the way light and shadow dance on the face of a human-designed structure.
Reflections at Sunrise
In the Details
Flora – Flowers and Plants
I love to get close-up and personal with flowers, leaves, trunks and stems. Much of the plant kingdom has spent millions of years perfecting the art of reflecting light in brilliant and inspiring ways.
Stuck in a Moment
Mirror Miracles on a Flower
Maybe we should call this the “Smoke and Mirrors” collection. These images are made using mostly in-camera effects and techniques.